
CABG + PB Evanston Townhall
Join us to learn about participatory budgeting and how you can vote to allocate $3m to 24 proposals for improving Evanston this September!

Budget Delegate Orientation
Come learn about the proposal development process and how to sign up to be a budget delegate.
Budget delegates develop ideas from the community into well-developed proposals that can be voted on and implemented. As a budget delegate, you will both learn how to develop local policies and provide and serve your community by making Evanston a better place to live, work & study.
Anyone 14 and up who lives, works, or studies in Evanston can sign up to be a budget delegate. Delegates under 18 require a sponsor, such as a parent, teacher or staff from a youth serving organization. You do not need any prior experience to be a budget delegate and all are welcome to join so long as you can commit to fulfilling budget delegate responsibilities.
Lunch will be served and transportation is available upon request.

Q&A info session with Citizens' Greener Evanston
Join us for a participatory budgeting Q&A and town hall recap hosted by Citizens’ Greener Evanston.

PB Town Hall
The City will host a town hall this Thursday, Aug 4, at 7pm in the Parasol Room of the Civic Center where you'll learn about participatory budgeting process, how to get involved, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your ideas.